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Color your world with sunshine and stability.

Color of 2021 by PANTONE

In a year where we all could use some extra sunshine in our lives, the color experts at Pantone have chosen wisely with their annual Pantone Color of the Year 2021. This year’s colors are PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating—a bright, cheerful yellow sparkling with vivacity and imbued with happiness—and, in an unusual move, PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray to represent fortitude and stability. Ultimate Gray quietly assures, encouraging feelings of composure, steadiness, and resilience—all needed in these uncertain days.


We weighed in with our own color expert at Eastman, Julia Schimmelpenningh, to see if our Vanceva® Color interlayers could achieve the same message of optimism and reliability. Happily, the answer is yes!


Here’s our recommendations:

  • Our best color matches for Pantone Illuminating (yellow) and Ultimate Grey as matched to PMS 106C (Illuminating) and Cool Grey 7C (Ultimate Grey) are as follows:

- For Illuminating, the closest matches are VCV 0088 for transparent match or VCV 088F for solid two-sided color.
- For Ultimate Grey, the closest matches are VCV 003H for transparent match or VCV 03HF for solid two-sided color.

  • For diffuse colors, the designations are VCV 088A or 0889 for Illuminating and VCV 03HA and VCV 03H9 for Ultimate Grey.


Join us!

We invite you to make a virtual visit to our Vanceva Color Studio, where our easy-to-use color selector tool allows you to make your own kind of sunshine! For some real-life examples of how color and glass can be used in architecture and interior design, check out our Vanceva World of Color Design Award winners.

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